Thomas More Discussion Group 2 

TOPIC: Capturing Time and Place: Chekhovian Writing Around the World

“Every country has its Chekhov“ - Literary Hub
“It’s not a matter of old or new forms; a person writes without thinking about any forms, he writes because it flows freely from his soul.” - Anton Chekhov  

A recognized master of the short story, Anton Chekhov has been embraced as a writer who articulated the meaning of Russian-ness. His stories capture a time and place so lucidly and with such vividness that they have become accepted as privileged windows into that cultural moment. A number of other writers enjoy similar reputations as spokespersons for a unique time, place, and culture.
This is registration for the continuation of the fall term. We will examine the works of Chekhov, Alice Munro, and Tennessee Williams. In addition, we will read stories from writers around the world including China, India, Ireland and Israel. Why have these authors been compared to Chekhov? How do they infuse ordinary experiences with colour and life, yet make them subtle and specific too? What Chekhovian influence is reflected in their works? Using short stories, plays, and films to spark our discussions, we will explore how these writers capture the essence of their own time and place and make it come alive.

You have a choice to participate by teleconference (dial in by phone) or join by Zoom video conferencing.

Fridays: January 22 - March 26  (10 weeks) 


Members: $27    |    Non-Members: $37

Deadline to Register: January 8, by noon