Contactivity Centre is a non-profit, registered charity.
Donations ensure that seniors can benefit from our programs, activities, lunches and more at reasonable costs.
Connect with Contactivity Centre and help us make our programming accessible to all seniors.

You might want to consider a donation…

In Honour of a birthday, a marriage, a new baby, an anniversary, a retirement, or other important life events.
It’s a creative and thoughtful way to celebrate life’s special moments.
In Memoriam to recognize the life of someone dear.

Corporate Contributions

Do you work or did you retire from a socially responsible company that gives back to the community?
Consider requesting a donation be made to Contactivity Centre.

A Gift in your Will

A bequest is a simple way for you to make a significant gift without changing anything about your financial security and life-style today.
For 50 years, Contactivity Centre has provided activities, support, and a welcoming environment for older adults.
Your donation helps keep this important work going strong at Contactivity Centre.

Click Here to Donate

"I have always dreaded the day I was going to retire. What am I going to do? Once retired, Contactivity Centre came to my rescue. It offered me a far more interesting life: all kinds of interesting activities, outings, parties, games, lunches, etc. plus beautiful, helpful staff and fantastic friends. I must have done something right in my life to deserve all that. Thank you Contactivity Centre."
- Jane Nounou
“I joined the Contactivity Group nine years ago primarily to take the wonderful twice-a-week chair exercise program. It was important for me to keep fit. I soon became aware of many other programs they offered. I enjoyed their delicious
birthday luncheons and their bus trips to many interesting places. When Covid hit I went on Zoom with Contactivity as they had many programs we could listen to and take part in such as the exercise classes, lectures, music concerts and travel programs. Contactivity was there for us even though we could not meet in person.
For those who might be interested in joining, there are so many things that you might enjoy, like Bridge lessons, Art Class, French lessons, dancing, Busy Bees, day trips, luncheons and much more. The last program I took was Fall Prevention. We were a small group and we all enjoyed so much. Lastly the staff are very caring and so helpful.” 
- Diane Webster
Contactivity Centre 4695 de Maisonneuve Blvd West  Westmount  QC H3Z 1L9 