NEW – Online StoryScapes Workshop

This workshop is an invitation to explore not only the process of
creative writing, but also a brief introduction to basics of oral and
nonverbal communication necessary to tell a story. Participants
will create an original short story or monologue and practice skills
(including recognizing the essential story elements, use of pictographs, voice, gesture, etc.) in order to learn as opposed to memorize a story for telling. Participants will share their thoughts and ideas, memories, and emotions, in a positive, enjoyable, and non-judgemental environment designed to encourage growth and well-being.

About the facilitator: Patti Warnock, aka La Contesse, has participated in cultural activities
and festivals throughout Quebec, Canada, the Caribbean, France, Iran, and China, receiving commendations for her storytelling and writing work. Her repertoire consists not only of traditional style tales, but also of her own creations, where reality and fiction walk hand in hand.

Your device must have functional speakers, a microphone and a webcamera.

Wednesdays: May 4th - May 25th (4 weeks)
10:00 - 12:00
Deadline to Register: April 8th by noon