Gentle Yoga (Onsite) 

FREE SAMPLE CLASS: Monday, April 17th from 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM

Mondays, 10:00-11:00

May 1st   – June 12th (6 weeks) No class on May 22nd.
Instructor: Susy Molgora
Cost: $29 Mem
/ $35 Non-Mem

Slow-paced yoga with less intense positions. Some yogic breath work and relaxation techniques will be incorporated into the class. Will include mat and chair exercises. Must bring your own mats and blocks to class.

About Susyz:Susy discovered the practice of yoga in 1980s California, where she lived at the time. Influenced by Iyengar’s approach, she brings focus to proper alignment and encourages students to observe the unique sensorial experience in the body as their practice unfolds. Susy has taken and continues to take innumerable workshops and trainings with renowned teachers. Some of her students have practiced with her consistently for over a decade, and she finds joy in watching the transformation of a patient practitioner who takes the time to modify and access different postures. She loves music and uses it to shape the flow of her classes.