Registration for Online Bridge with Heather Felsky

Mondays, September 12th – December 12th = 12 weeks
No classes on Monday, September 26th and October 10th 

$146 Mem / $158 Non-Mem

Online SHARK BRIDGE application and Zoom

Online Beginners 9:30-11:00

(Starting Out)

Online Intermediate A : 11:30-1:00

                   (2 Club Opening Bids, Jump Shifts, Blackwood and more)

Online Intermediate B: 1:30-3:00

                  (Overcalls, Take Out Doubles, Negative Doubles and more)

Courses and Activities Summer 2022

Payment: You can pay online for courses & activities with our secure payment system. 

Withdrawals and Cancellations:  All course fees are non-refundable. If you need to cancel a course registration, please email or call and leave a message. 

Equipment: For online courses, you need to have a functioning webcam and microphone on your laptop/tablet/desktop computer. We have a small number of webcam and microphone accessories to lend to our members who want to participate online but are missing these accessories.    

Zoom: If you need assistance learning to Zoom, please call us and we will be happy to help you.   

Online CoursesActivities

Dance Balance 

Tuesday Stretch and Movement Fitness

Tai Chi and Chi Kung

Chair Yoga

ONSITE Courses & Activities

For any of our free workshops and activities, you must be a member to participate. 

 A Walk in the Park

The program is currently full but we are taking names for a waiting list.  If we have enough interest we will offer a second group.

Busy Bees Arts & Crafts Group

The program is currently full but we are taking names for a waiting list. Email

Craft and Chat Group

The program is currently full but we are taking names for a waiting list. Email

Intergenerational Gardening with Daycare Fun Academy

We are hoping to have a summer gardening program in collaboration with Fun Academy. If this interests you, please sign up on our website or leave us a message. We will contact you with information once we have more details.


K.E.Y (Keep Educating Yourself) Lecture Series

There are no K.E.Y lecture series this summer.