
Our services assist seniors who are managing in their own homes. You don't have to be a member to receive most of these services. For more information please call us 514-932-2326


Telecheck is a volunteer-run service whereby you can sign up to receive a phone call every weekday morning to check that you're O.K. ( especially handy for those of us who live alone). Cost to members is a token $5.00 a year and the cost for non members is10.00$. Call us for more details 514-932-2326.

Foot Care Clinic

A podiatrist offers monthly foot care clinics, cost is $30 payable to the podiatrist. Appointments are necessary by calling the Centre at 514-932-2326. It is only available to our members.
This service is currently not offered.

Volunteer Outreach

Volunteers help seniors with grocery shopping, trips to medical appointments and weekly friendly visits to housebound seniors (Limited to the Westmount area). This may turn out to be a volunteering opportunity for you, or even a service for yourself.
If you are a senior living in Westmount and are interested in using this service, give us a call at 514-932-2326
If you are interested in volunteering, click here!

Blood Pressure Clinic

A CLSC nurse offers regular blood pressure clinics once a month at the Centre. Please book an appointment by calling the Centre at 514-932-2326. It is only available to our members.
This service is currently not offered. 

Medical Accompaniments

Volunteers assist seniors to their medical appointments either by their personal cars or via taxis. This service is for Westmount and adjacent areas.


We often have special workshops on topics related to health and aging. Check out the newsletter for details.